
Installing dependencies

To install the required dependencies for developing Markdownreveal, you can make use of the provided requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running tests

Running the tests locally is very simple, using Tox from the top level path of the project:


That single command will run all the tests for all the supported Python versions available in your system or environment.

For faster results you may want to run all the tests just against a single Python version. This command will run all tests against Python 3.5 only:

tox -e py35

Note that those tests include style and static analysis checks. If you just want to run all the behavior tests (not recommended):

pytest -n 8

If you just want to run a handful of behavior tests (common when developing new functionality), just run:

pytest -k keyword


Before submitting your changes for review, make sure all tests pass with tox, as the continuous integration system will run all those checks as well.

Generating documentation

Documentation is generated with Sphinx. In order to generate the documentation locally you need to run make from the docs directory:

make html