
Using reveal.js themes

We think the default Markdownreveal theme is okay, but to each their own… If you would rather use the default reveal.js themes, you can do so in a very easy way. In your config.yaml file, try to add:

style: ''

What you see now is the white reveal.js style. You can also change that parameter if you want. Try:

theme: 'moon'


Note that when using reveal.js themes, footer and header will not work as they are not defined in the default reveal.js CSS files.

Creating your own style

You can definitely create your own style too! To do so, create a folder named style in your presentation root directory. You can add the following files in there:

  • background.svg: an image to be used as a background.
  • logo.svg: a logo to display on your slides on a corner.
  • warmup.svg: an image to be displayed before the presentation title.
  • custom.css: your CSS rules for your own style.
  • config.yaml: to tune the style default configuration (footer, header…).

You can check the Markdownreveal style repository to get an idea on how to create the CSS file. Note that your custom style will be based on reveal.js’s white theme.

Using your style repository

If you are doing many presentation, or if you work for a company, you may find it useful to create your own style repository. Simply upload your files to a repository, as we do ourselves with Markdownreveal and then edit your config.yaml file:

style: ''

Put there an URL pointing to your style files. Note that they need to be contained in a tar.gz file.