

In order to use Markdown reveal you need:

  • Python 3.5 (or higher).
  • Pandoc.

And optionally:

  • Decktape (npm install -g decktape), for exporting to PDF


Windows and Mac platforms are theoretically supported, but not currently tested by developers. For those platforms you may not even need to manually install Pandoc, as it should be automatically installed.


Installation is very straight-forward:

pip install markdownreveal

This will install all the required dependencies and will provide you with the markdownreveal command.

First steps

Let us create our first presentation! First, we need to create a simple Markdown file to write our presentation. Let us, for example, create a file and write the following content:

% Presentation title
% Author

# First section

## Subsection

This is my first Markdownreveal presentation.

Now, simply execute:


If everything went well a new tab should be opened in your browser showing you the presentation.

Now, while markdownreveal is running, edit your file and save the changes. Markdownreveal will automatically refresh your browser view for you!


In case you find the markdownreveal command too long or tedious to write, you can use mdr instead. Usually the former is used in the documentation, but both commands should be considered equivalent.


The presentation should start with the title, author and date:

% Presentation title
% Author

You can create vertical sections in your presentation using titles:

# New section

New slides in a section using subtitles:

## Subtitle

Simple paragraphs with text lines:

This is a paragraph.

Simple lists:

- List item.
- Another one.

Numbered lists (note you can use 1. for automatic numbering):

1. First item.
1. Second item.

Force the creation of a new slide:


Code (with optional syntax highlighting):

print('Hello world!')

Images (with optional width):

![Alt text](./figures/yourfigure.png){width=70%}

Equations (using LaTeX notation):

f(x) = \int_{-\infty}^\infty h(\xi)\,e^{2 \pi i \xi x} \,d\xi

Also inline equations (using LaTeX notation):

Inline equation: $c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$

You may also use Emoji codes!

Markdownreveal... :heart_eyes:

For more information, refer to the official Pandoc documentation.